Frequently asked Questions

1)Is the University Accredited?

This is the Major Question that was Encounterd by so many people and the answer to that is the
THE UNIVERSITY IS ACCREDITED " and the university has got it accredition due to the year 2010

2)What is the Fee Structure of the university?

For Graduate Students it is $325 per credit and you should need to do 36 credits in total and of which are 9 credits comes under core and 3 credits comes under projects and the remaining 24 credits comes under electives

For Under graduates it is $250 per credit and you should need to do 64 credits in total

3)What is the cost of living?

The Cost of living in Silicon Valley is High as Compared to other places in USA
and it goes around like $350 per month per individual if they go sharing

Normally the Apartment Rentals are usually as follows

Single Bed and Bath: Around 1000 to 14000
Double Bed and Bath:Around 1200 to 1600
Studios around 800 to 1000

4)How about Transportation?

The Transportation in Silicon valley is Pretty good as there are very good Facilities here
in the form of buses and lite rails(TRAINS) and you can get buses frequently here,no time killing ,its for sure
The College gives 1 year VTA buss pass so that you can travel any where for free cost throughout the year

5)How about Part time Jobs?

There are so many part time jobs here and as there are so many indian business people here ,there is always a better chance of getting part time jobs

6)How about Climate?

You need not think of that because we never feel that we are out of our country as the climate here is exact match of our indian climate

7)How about Internship or CPT ?

The University offers internship to every student right from the first semester and you are eligible to works 20 hours per weeks and in summer you can work 40 hours
and the chances are getting employment here is very high as there are so many IT firms
such as Google,Yahoo,Microsoft and other firms such as Intel, Flextronics etc

1 comment:

Unknown said...

is there any problem with the h1 picking when I start my cpt in second I get any queries while processing h1